Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

In combination with the Blue-Power system screw, the Blue-Power system profile L can be used for the simple and dowel-free installation of an aluminum substructure at distance on concrete or brickwork. The Blue-Power system is suitable for outdoor use for façades and use for suspended ceilings. The tensile and lateral forces are counteracted during fastening. The insulation material also absorbs the forces. Therefore, a compressive strength of at least 50 kPa is necessary for a compression of 10%.



[descriptionShort] => Blue-Power system profile L [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => On request [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecbe9f73c4fd380c8472 [valueId] => [value] => On request [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea4e9f73c4fd380097f1 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimensions [value] => 15 x 6000 x 15 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecbe9f73c4fd380c8491 [valueId] => [value] => 15 x 6000 x 15 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f754e5 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Material [value] => Aluminium [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8e8eb9f73c4fd38f77a29 [valueId] => [value] => Aluminium [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecab9f73c4fd380c28ed [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => pcs. [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 1 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecbe9f73c4fd380c8455 [valueId] => [value] => 1 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => 65cd3686-cead-41ab-8919-5a6e1b725f6a [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c37e3 [internationalPid] => 4064827026687 [internationalPidType] => gtin [isChild] => [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( ) [lastChange] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [manufacturerAid] => Eurotec GmbH [manufacturerName] => 99-6 [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Blue-Power Systemprofil L [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => Blue_Power_Systemprofil_L_Web.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Blue_Power_Systemprofil_L_Web.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 2 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Product_data_sheet_Blue-Power_Systemprofil_U_Z_L_EN.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [orderValue] => 2 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Product_data_sheet_Blue-Power_Systemprofil_U_Z_L_EN.pdf ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T13:50:39Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => In combination with the Blue-Power system screw, the Blue-Power system profile L can be used for the simple and dowel-free installation of an aluminum substructure at distance on concrete or brickwork. The Blue-Power system is suitable for outdoor use for façades and use for suspended ceilings. The tensile and lateral forces are counteracted during fastening. The insulation material also absorbs the forces. Therefore, a compressive strength of at least 50 kPa is necessary for a compression of 10%.MaterialAluminiumAdvantagesSimple assembly, no anchor plug neededShort assembly timesCan be processed with standard cordless tools [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => [deliveryTime] => [noCuPerOu] => [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 000000000000000000000000 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => [customsNumber] => [depth] => [length] => [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => [warrantyClassId] => [width] => [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 12 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 99-6 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3634 [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) TEST

Blue-Power system profile L

In combination with the Blue-Power system screw, the Blue-Power system profile L can be used for the simple and dowel-free installation of an aluminum substructure at distance on concrete or brickwork. The Blue-Power system is suitable for outdoor use for façades and use for suspended ceilings. The tensile and lateral forces are counteracted during fastening. The insulation material also absorbs the forces. Therefore, a compressive strength of at least 50 kPa is necessary for a compression of 10%.


  • Aluminium


  • Simple assembly, no anchor plug needed
  • Short assembly times
  • Can be processed with standard cordless tools

Product table

Art. no. Dimensions Material PU
On request 15 x 6000 x 15 mm Aluminium 1 pcs.