Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

The slab support PP offers itself as an optimal foundation for a simple, dry (mortarless) terrace construction in connection with with large-format, tread-resistant floor slabs made of artificial stone, natural stone, etc.
The slab support PP serves as a support and forms a distance to the floor and, due to the joint cross, also a distance between the slabs. The floor slabs can thus be laid in a frost-proof manner.
By stacking several slab supports on top of each other, the support height can be increased in 10 mm steps.
We recommend not to place more than 3 bearings on top of each other.



[descriptionShort] => Slab support PP [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 945431 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112de4 [valueId] => [value] => 945431 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea4e9f73c4fd380097f1 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimensions [value] => Ø 120 x 18/10 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112e08 [valueId] => [value] => Ø 120 x 18/10 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112e2b [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Joint spacer [value] => 4 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112e49 [valueId] => [value] => 4 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecb49f73c4fd380c5585 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => kN [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Load-bearing capacity [value] => 2 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112e6a [valueId] => [value] => 2 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f754e5 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 5 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Material [value] => PP (Polypropylen) [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112e82 [valueId] => [value] => PP (Polypropylen) [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 6 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 45 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecb09f73c4fd380c42eb [valueId] => [value] => 45 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 7 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4064827151389 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed939f73c4fd38112ea2 [valueId] => [value] => 4064827151389 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 7 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => 0d741deb-ef59-4c56-be03-b6e290129d36 [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 622605019722db6cce8f1ec4 [internationalPid] => 4064827151389 [internationalPidType] => gtin [isChild] => [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Auflager [1] => direkt [2] => Polypropylen [3] => Eurotec [4] => Fugenkreuz [5] => Lager [6] => Platten [7] => Plattenlager [8] => schwarz [9] => Terrassenbau [10] => Terrasse [11] => Grundlage [12] => Bodenplatten ) [lastChange] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [manufacturerAid] => 945431 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Plattenlager PP [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 945431_Plattenlager_PP_Web_.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 945431_Plattenlager_PP_Web_.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Stoerer [mimeOrder] => 4 [mimePurpose] => Stoerer [mimeSource] => NEU_EN.png [mimeType] => image/png [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [orderValue] => 4 [mimeSourceEncoded] => NEU_EN.png ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 5 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Product_data_sheet_Plattenlager_PP_EN_.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T10:41:22Z [orderValue] => 5 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Product_data_sheet_Plattenlager_PP_EN_.pdf ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => The slab support PP offers itself as an optimal foundation for a simple, dry (mortarless) terrace construction in connection with with large-format, tread-resistant floor slabs made of artificial stone, natural stone, etc.The slab support PP serves as a support and forms a distance to the floor and, due to the joint cross, also a distance between the slabs. The floor slabs can thus be laid in a frost-proof manner.By stacking several slab supports on top of each other, the support height can be increased in 10 mm steps.We recommend not to place more than 3 bearings on top of each other.AdvantagesResistant to weathering, UV exposure, insects and decayVery good chemical resistanceSurface water can quickly and easily run off through the groovesUp to three units can be stacked on top of one anotherMaterialPP (Polypropylene) [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 45 [orderUnit] => C62 [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 45 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 000000000000000000000000 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => DE [customsNumber] => [depth] => [length] => [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => [warrantyClassId] => [width] => [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 0 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 945431 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c365b [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) TEST

Slab support PP

The slab support PP offers itself as an optimal foundation for a simple, dry (mortarless) terrace construction in connection with with large-format, tread-resistant floor slabs made of artificial stone, natural stone, etc.
The slab support PP serves as a support and forms a distance to the floor and, due to the joint cross, also a distance between the slabs. The floor slabs can thus be laid in a frost-proof manner.
By stacking several slab supports on top of each other, the support height can be increased in 10 mm steps.
We recommend not to place more than 3 bearings on top of each other.


  • Resistant to weathering, UV exposure, insects and decay
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Surface water can quickly and easily run off through the grooves
  • Up to three units can be stacked on top of one another


  • PP (Polypropylene)

Product table

Art. no. Dimensions Joint spacer Load-bearing capacity Material PU EAN
945431 Ø 120 x 18/10 mm 4 mm 2 kN PP (Polypropylen) 45 4064827151389