Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

The Robusto HV 500+350 is a deck pedestal that meets the requirements for constructive timber protection. An EPDM gasket between the head plate and substructure provides additional protection against footfall sound and penetrating moisture, and the height of the post foot can be adjusted to up to 850 mm after assembly. This height adjustment allows compensation for manufacturing tolerances related to the structure and for subsequent settlement in the individual foundations.
The Robusto HV 500+350 has high tensile and compressive load capacities and can also absorb horizontal loads.
The durability of the pedestals is ensured thanks to hot-dip galvanisation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12944-2 (C3).
Thanks to its U-shaped head plate, the Robusto HV 500+350 can support not only the Eurotec HKP deck-support profile but also the EVO aluminium system profile and timber substructure joists.
It therefore allows various applications and can be used for deck construction purposes, such as the building of accessible ramps and transitions.
Brief technical description:

[descriptionShort] => Robusto deck pedestal HV 500+350 [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 904661 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c235f [valueId] => [value] => 904661 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c237a [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Height adjustment in assembled state [value] => 500 - 850 mm [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c2394 [valueId] => [value] => 500 - 850 mm [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c23b7 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Min. post cross section [value] => 60 x 100 mm [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c23cf [valueId] => [value] => 60 x 100 mm [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c23f3 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Compressive strength in kN [value] => 21.2 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c241d [valueId] => [value] => 21.2 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c2438 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 5 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Tensile load-bearing capacity in kN [value] => 9.2 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c245b [valueId] => [value] => 9.2 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c247f [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 6 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimensions [value] => 160 x 100 x 8 mm [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c249f [valueId] => [value] => 160 x 100 x 8 mm [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 7 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 2 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecab9f73c4fd380c24bf [valueId] => [value] => 2 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 7 ) [7] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 8 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314723574 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf79e [valueId] => [value] => 4251314723574 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 8 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => aaa73a3b-eacb-4f32-8dbb-483bf9b1aeda [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3fc3 [internationalPid] => 4251314723574 [internationalPidType] => gtin [isChild] => [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => 500+350 [1] => 850 [2] => Aluminium [3] => Fuß [4] => hoch [5] => höhenverstellbar [6] => Holz [7] => HV [8] => mm [9] => Rampe [10] => Robusto [11] => Terrasse [12] => Terrassenfuß [13] => Unterkonstruktion ) [lastChange] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [manufacturerAid] => 904661 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Robusto Terrassenfuß HV 500 [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 904661_Robusto_HV.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 904661_Robusto_HV.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 2 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Produktdatenblatt_Robusto_HV_500___350.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 2 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Produktdatenblatt_Robusto_HV_500___350.pdf ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => DWG [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => DWG [mimeSource] => 904661_Robusto_Terrassenfuß.dwg [mimeType] => DWG [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 904661_Robusto_Terrassenfu%c3%9f.dwg ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => ETA Icon [mimeOrder] => 4 [mimePurpose] => icon [mimeSource] => CE-Logo_PediX_ETA-13_0550.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 4 [mimeSourceEncoded] => CE-Logo_PediX_ETA-13_0550.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 5 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 5 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) [5] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 6 [mimePurpose] => milieu [mimeSource] => Anwendung-01.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 6 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Anwendung-01.jpg ) [6] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 7 [mimePurpose] => milieu [mimeSource] => Anwendung-02.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 7 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Anwendung-02.jpg ) [7] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 8 [mimePurpose] => normal [mimeSource] => Robusto_Terassenfuss01.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-16T07:30:57Z [orderValue] => 8 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Robusto_Terassenfuss01.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => The Robusto HV 500+350 is a deck pedestal that meets the requirements for constructive timber protection. An EPDM gasket between the head plate and substructure provides additional protection against footfall sound and penetrating moisture, and the height of the post foot can be adjusted to up to 850 mm after assembly. This height adjustment allows compensation for manufacturing tolerances related to the structure and for subsequent settlement in the individual foundations.The Robusto HV 500+350 has high tensile and compressive load capacities and can also absorb horizontal loads.The durability of the pedestals is ensured thanks to hot-dip galvanisation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12944-2 (C3).Thanks to its U-shaped head plate, the Robusto HV 500+350 can support not only the Eurotec HKP deck-support profile but also the EVO aluminium system profile and timber substructure joists.It therefore allows various applications and can be used for deck construction purposes, such as the building of accessible ramps and transitions.Brief technical description:Simple assembly with new U-shaped head plateCan be combined with the HKP deck-support profile and the EVO aluminium system profileMin. timber cross section of 60 x 100 mmAdditional timber protection thanks to EPDM for timberHot-dip galvanised structural steel S235JR (ST37-2)Comes supplied with 4x PH Bighty 4.8 x 25 mm screwsCan be used in the usage classes 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with DIN EN 1995-1 -1The Robusto HV 500+350 allows constructive timber protection in accordance with the new DIN 68800-2In addition to the vertical loads, the Robusto HV 500+350 can also transfer horizontal forces into the subsurface [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 2 [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 2 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 000000000000000000000000 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => CN [customsNumber] => 7308909800 [depth] => 15 [length] => 65 [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => 1.998 [warrantyClassId] => [width] => 19 [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 5 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 904661 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c365e [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) TEST

Robusto deck pedestal HV 500+350

The Robusto HV 500+350 is a deck pedestal that meets the requirements for constructive timber protection. An EPDM gasket between the head plate and substructure provides additional protection against footfall sound and penetrating moisture, and the height of the post foot can be adjusted to up to 850 mm after assembly. This height adjustment allows compensation for manufacturing tolerances related to the structure and for subsequent settlement in the individual foundations.
The Robusto HV 500+350 has high tensile and compressive load capacities and can also absorb horizontal loads.
The durability of the pedestals is ensured thanks to hot-dip galvanisation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12944-2 (C3).
Thanks to its U-shaped head plate, the Robusto HV 500+350 can support not only the Eurotec HKP deck-support profile but also the EVO aluminium system profile and timber substructure joists.
It therefore allows various applications and can be used for deck construction purposes, such as the building of accessible ramps and transitions.
Brief technical description:

  • Simple assembly with new U-shaped head plate
  • Can be combined with the HKP deck-support profile and the EVO aluminium system profile
  • Min. timber cross section of 60 x 100 mm
  • Additional timber protection thanks to EPDM for timber
  • Hot-dip galvanised structural steel S235JR (ST37-2)
  • Comes supplied with 4x PH Bighty 4.8 x 25 mm screws
  • Can be used in the usage classes 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with DIN EN 1995-1 -1
  • The Robusto HV 500+350 allows constructive timber protection in accordance with the new DIN 68800-2
  • In addition to the vertical loads, the Robusto HV 500+350 can also transfer horizontal forces into the subsurface

Media library

Product table

Art. no. Height adjustment in assembled state Min. post cross section Compressive strength in kN Tensile load-bearing capacity in kN Dimensions PU EAN
904661 500 - 850 mm 60 x 100 mm 21.2 9.2 160 x 100 x 8 mm 2 4251314723574