Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.

The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.
*Discontinued product
**Comes supplied with one screw per clip.

[descriptionShort] => Flex-Stone-Clip [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ee2e9f73c4fd3814610c [valueId] => [value] => 975602 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 200 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaf9f73c4fd380c3ed4 [valueId] => [value] => 200 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314708908 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd381132b2 [valueId] => [value] => 4251314708908 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => bdeeee26-f707-440d-989b-3db4b91e8742 [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3f50 [internationalPid] => 4251314708908 [internationalPidType] => gtin [isChild] => [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Alu [1] => Aluminium [2] => Clip [3] => Eurotec [4] => EVO [5] => Flex [6] => Steinplatten [7] => Steinplatten [8] => Steinterrasse [9] => Stone [10] => Stone-System [11] => Systemprofil [12] => Terrasse ) [lastChange] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [manufacturerAid] => 975602 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Flex-Stone-Clip [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => DWG [mimeOrder] => 2 [mimePurpose] => DWG [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg [mimeType] => DWG [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [orderValue] => 2 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 4 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [orderValue] => 4 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf ) [4] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 7 [mimePurpose] => normal [mimeSource] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-19T19:15:31Z [orderValue] => 7 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.Note The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.*Discontinued product**Comes supplied with one screw per clip. [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 200 [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 200 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 000000000000000000000000 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 2 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => CE [customsNumber] => 3925908000 [depth] => 218 [length] => 389 [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => 3.59999999999998 [warrantyClassId] => [width] => 288 [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 5 [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.

The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.
*Discontinued product
**Comes supplied with one screw per clip.

[descriptionShort] => Flex-Stone-Clip [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811984b [valueId] => [value] => 975602* [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 200 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaf9f73c4fd380c3ed4 [valueId] => [value] => 200 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314708908 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd381132b2 [valueId] => [value] => 4251314708908 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => 3cb18b7f-acec-4f08-b815-5e3f360d854c [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 622aff24975348f76e43810b [internationalPid] => 4251314708908 [internationalPidType] => [isChild] => 1 [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Alu [1] => Aluminium [2] => Clip [3] => Eurotec [4] => EVO [5] => Flex [6] => Steinplatten [7] => Steinplatten [8] => Steinterrasse [9] => Stone [10] => Stone-System [11] => Systemprofil [12] => Terrasse ) [lastChange] => 2024-02-26T11:02:55Z [manufacturerAid] => 975602 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Flex-Stone-Clip [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => DWG [mimeOrder] => 2 [mimePurpose] => DWG [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg [mimeType] => DWG [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 2 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 4 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [orderValue] => 4 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf ) [4] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 7 [mimePurpose] => normal [mimeSource] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [orderValue] => 7 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.Note The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.*Discontinued product**Comes supplied with one screw per clip. [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 200 [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 200 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3f50 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => CE [customsNumber] => 3925908000 [depth] => 218 [length] => 389 [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => 3.6000 [warrantyClassId] => [width] => 288 [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 0 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 645026 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 954064 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 2 ) ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 975602 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_SHORT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [1] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_TYPE_DESCR [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [2] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_LONG [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [3] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_NAME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [4] => Array ( [field] => KEYWORDS [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [5] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [6] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [7] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [8] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [9] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [10] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [11] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [12] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [13] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [14] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [15] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [16] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [17] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [18] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [19] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [20] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [21] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [22] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [23] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [24] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [25] => Array ( [field] => REFERENCE_FEATURE_SYSTEM_NAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => -1 ) [26] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 ) [27] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [28] => Array ( [field] => FVALUE [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [29] => Array ( [field] => FUNIT [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [30] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa ) [31] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 ) [32] => Array ( [field] => CONTENT_UNIT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [33] => Array ( [field] => NO_CU_PER_OU [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [34] => Array ( [field] => QUANTITY_MIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [35] => Array ( [field] => DELIVERY_TIME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [36] => Array ( [field] => CUSTOMS_NUMBER [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [37] => Array ( [field] => COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [38] => Array ( [field] => WIDTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [39] => Array ( [field] => LENGTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [40] => Array ( [field] => DEPTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [41] => Array ( [field] => WEIGHT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [42] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [43] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [44] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [45] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c365b [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.

The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.
*Discontinued product
**Comes supplied with one screw per clip.

[descriptionShort] => Flex-Stone-Clip [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602-50 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd381198a9 [valueId] => [value] => 975602-50 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 50** [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd381198c5 [valueId] => [value] => 50** [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4064827155059 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd38113306 [valueId] => [value] => 4064827155059 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => fa715dbe-a82c-4a51-aa3b-fa82efc44953 [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 622aff28975348f76e43810c [internationalPid] => 4064827155059 [internationalPidType] => [isChild] => 1 [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Alu [1] => Aluminium [2] => Clip [3] => Eurotec [4] => EVO [5] => Flex [6] => Steinplatten [7] => Steinplatten [8] => Steinterrasse [9] => Stone [10] => Stone-System [11] => Systemprofil [12] => Terrasse ) [lastChange] => 2024-02-26T11:02:55Z [manufacturerAid] => 975602-50 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Flex-Stone-Clip [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => DWG [mimeOrder] => 2 [mimePurpose] => DWG [mimeSource] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg [mimeType] => DWG [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 2 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_Flex-Stone-Clip.dwg ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 3 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2022-04-05T12:20:21Z [orderValue] => 3 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 4 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [orderValue] => 4 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Product_data_sheet_Flex-Stone-Clip_und_Stone-Edge_Clip_EN_06_2023.pdf ) [4] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 7 [mimePurpose] => normal [mimeSource] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2023-06-20T11:59:36Z [orderValue] => 7 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975602_StoneClipAnwendungTopview.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.Note The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.*Discontinued product**Comes supplied with one screw per clip. [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 200 [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 200 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => [isTruckageCompanyGood] => [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3f50 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => CE [customsNumber] => 3925908000 [depth] => 218 [length] => 389 [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => 3.6000 [warrantyClassId] => [width] => 288 [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 0 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 645026 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 954064 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 2 ) ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 975602-50 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_SHORT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [1] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_TYPE_DESCR [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [2] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_LONG [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [3] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_NAME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [4] => Array ( [field] => KEYWORDS [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [5] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [6] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [7] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [8] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [9] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [10] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [11] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [12] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [13] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [14] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [15] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [16] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [17] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [18] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [19] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [20] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [21] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [22] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [23] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [24] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [25] => Array ( [field] => REFERENCE_FEATURE_SYSTEM_NAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => -1 ) [26] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 ) [27] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [28] => Array ( [field] => FVALUE [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [29] => Array ( [field] => FUNIT [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [30] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa ) [31] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 ) [32] => Array ( [field] => CONTENT_UNIT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [33] => Array ( [field] => NO_CU_PER_OU [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [34] => Array ( [field] => QUANTITY_MIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [35] => Array ( [field] => DELIVERY_TIME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [36] => Array ( [field] => CUSTOMS_NUMBER [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [37] => Array ( [field] => COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [38] => Array ( [field] => WIDTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [39] => Array ( [field] => LENGTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [40] => Array ( [field] => DEPTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [41] => Array ( [field] => WEIGHT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [42] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [43] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [44] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [45] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c365b [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 645026 [descriptionShort] => Aluminium profile drilling screw [type] => accessories [order] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 954064 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 2 ) ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 975602M [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_SHORT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [1] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_TYPE_DESCR [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [2] => Array ( [field] => DESCRIPTION_LONG [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [3] => Array ( [field] => MANUFACTURER_NAME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [4] => Array ( [field] => KEYWORDS [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [5] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [6] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [7] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [8] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [9] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [10] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [11] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [12] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [13] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [14] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [15] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [16] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 3 [elementKey] => -1 ) [17] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [18] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [19] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [20] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 4 [elementKey] => -1 ) [21] => Array ( [field] => MIME_PURPOSE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [22] => Array ( [field] => MIME_SOURCE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [23] => Array ( [field] => MIME_TYPE [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [24] => Array ( [field] => MIME_DESCR [systemKey] => 7 [elementKey] => -1 ) [25] => Array ( [field] => REFERENCE_FEATURE_SYSTEM_NAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => -1 ) [26] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 ) [27] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [28] => Array ( [field] => FVALUE [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [29] => Array ( [field] => FUNIT [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c ) [30] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa ) [31] => Array ( [field] => FNAME [systemKey] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [elementKey] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 ) [32] => Array ( [field] => CONTENT_UNIT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [33] => Array ( [field] => NO_CU_PER_OU [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [34] => Array ( [field] => QUANTITY_MIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [35] => Array ( [field] => DELIVERY_TIME [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [36] => Array ( [field] => CUSTOMS_NUMBER [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [37] => Array ( [field] => COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [38] => Array ( [field] => WIDTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [39] => Array ( [field] => LENGTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [40] => Array ( [field] => DEPTH [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [41] => Array ( [field] => WEIGHT [systemKey] => -1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [42] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) [43] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_TYPE [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [44] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 1 [elementKey] => -1 ) [45] => Array ( [field] => PRODUCT_REFERENCES_SPID [systemKey] => 2 [elementKey] => -1 ) ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c365b [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => [stockInfoText] => [stockKeepingModus] => [stockPriceFactor] => [noStockInfoText] => [surCharges1ArtNr] => [surCharges1Percent] => [surCharges1FixValue] => [surCharges2ArtNr] => [surCharges2Percent] => [surCharges2FixValue] => [charges] => [orderDecimalPlaces] => [orderFactor] => [orderStockFactor] => [orderPriceFactor] => [newInShopTime] => [showParts] => [optionTypeId] => [alternateArticleNumber] => [alternativePackageUnit] => ) ) TEST 200000000000000000000000065d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811984b [valueId] => [value] => 975602* [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 200 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaf9f73c4fd380c3ed4 [valueId] => [value] => 200 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314708908 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd381132b2 [valueId] => [value] => 4251314708908 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [funit] => ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [funit] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [funit] => mm ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [funit] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [funit] => mm ) [2] => Array ( [name] => PU [value] => 200 [funit] => ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [funit] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [funit] => mm ) [2] => Array ( [name] => PU [value] => 200 [funit] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314708908 [funit] => ) ) 1udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.03cb18b7f-acec-4f08-b815-5e3f360d854c1Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602* [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811984b [valueId] => [value] => 975602* [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 200 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaf9f73c4fd380c3ed4 [valueId] => [value] => 200 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314708908 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd381132b2 [valueId] => [value] => 4251314708908 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => 3cb18b7f-acec-4f08-b815-5e3f360d854c [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975602-50 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd381198a9 [valueId] => [value] => 975602-50 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811986c [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => mm [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimension joint spacer [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd3811988c [valueId] => [value] => 8 x 4 x 14 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 50** [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8eda79f73c4fd381198c5 [valueId] => [value] => 50** [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4064827155059 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ed949f73c4fd38113306 [valueId] => [value] => 4064827155059 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => fa715dbe-a82c-4a51-aa3b-fa82efc44953 [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => )


For clicking onto the EVO aluminium system profile within the paving.

The flexibility of the new Flex Stone Clip allows it to compensate for manufacturing tolerances of up to 2 mm in stone slabs.
*Discontinued product
**Comes supplied with one screw per clip.

Product table

Art. no. Dimension joint spacer PU EAN
975602* 8 x 4 x 14 mm 200 4251314708908
975602-50 8 x 4 x 14 mm 50** 4064827155059