Array ( [amazonAsin] => [buyerAid] => [buyerAidType] => [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [changeInfo] => [customerId] => a3ba70a2-990d-432c-fb8c-08d79e6bb09c [descriptionLong] =>

The EVO Light aluminium system profile can be combined with Eurotec’s Profi-Line adjustable feet.


[descriptionShort] => EVO Light aluminium system profile [ebayCategory] => [edeNumber1] => [edeNumber2] => [edeNumber3] => [edeNumber4] => [edeNumber5] => [erpGroupBuyer] => [erpGroupSupplier] => [featureSystems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [areFeaturesInitialised] => [oldValidFeatureSystemId] => 000000000000000000000000 [validFeatureSystemId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f75427 [updateLinkedFields] => [referenceFeatureGroupName] => [features] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380149c0 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 1 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Art. no. [value] => 975643 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecad9f73c4fd380c332e [valueId] => [value] => 975643 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c247f [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 2 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Dimensions [value] => 4000 x 32 x 34 mm [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecad9f73c4fd380c334e [valueId] => [value] => 4000 x 32 x 34 mm [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e8df9f73c4fd38f754e5 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 3 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => Material [value] => Aluminium [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8e8eb9f73c4fd38f77a29 [valueId] => [value] => Aluminium [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8ea699f73c4fd380148fa [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 4 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => PU [value] => 1 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8ecaa9f73c4fd380c231a [valueId] => [value] => 1 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [validFeatureId] => 65d8e99e9f73c4fd38fbf775 [oldValidFeatureId] => 000000000000000000000000 [updateLinkedFields] => [guid] => [printOrder] => 0 [fDescr] => [forder] => 5 [ftIdref] => [funit] => [fValueDetails] => [fRequired] => [name] => EAN [value] => 4251314726131 [featureValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [validFeatureValueId] => 65d8e9a19f73c4fd38fc0fb9 [valueId] => [value] => 4251314726131 [order] => 1 ) ) [valueSource] => [isVariant] => [orderValue] => 5 ) ) [order] => 1 [referenceFeatureGroupId] => [referenceFeatureGroupId2] => [referenceFeatureSystemName] => udf_NMTECHNICALDETAILS-1.0 [guid] => 71b227d3-c1a3-4626-8f89-444233c5f206 [orderValue] => 1 [customerId] => ) ) [googleProductCategory] => [id] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c4015 [internationalPid] => 4251314726131 [internationalPidType] => gtin [isChild] => [isMaster] => [keywords] => Array ( [0] => Alu [1] => Aluminium [2] => EVO [3] => Light [4] => nicht sichtbar [5] => Profil [6] => sichtbar [7] => Systemprofil [8] => Terrasse [9] => Unterkonstruktion [10] => Verstellfüße ) [lastChange] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [manufacturerAid] => 975643 [manufacturerName] => Eurotec [manufacturerTypeDescr] => Alu-Systemprofil EVO Light [metaDescription] => [isDiscontinued] => [discontinuedDate] => [metaTitel] => [mimes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Artikelhauptbild [mimeOrder] => 1 [mimePurpose] => main [mimeSource] => 975643_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [orderValue] => 1 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975643_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Product data sheet [mimeOrder] => 7 [mimePurpose] => data_sheet [mimeSource] => Produktdatenblatt_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light_und_Zubehör.pdf [mimeType] => application/pdf [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [orderValue] => 7 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Produktdatenblatt_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light_und_Zubeh%c3%b6r.pdf ) [2] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => DWG [mimeOrder] => 9 [mimePurpose] => DWG [mimeSource] => 975643_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light.dwg [mimeType] => DWG [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [orderValue] => 9 [mimeSourceEncoded] => 975643_Alu-Systemprofil_EVO_Light.dwg ) [3] => Array ( [blobUri] => [lastImageLookup] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [mimeAlt] => [mimeDescr] => Produktbild [mimeOrder] => 13 [mimePurpose] => logo [mimeSource] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg [mimeType] => image/jpeg [normUri] => [thumbUri] => [excludeFromShopware6] => [lastChanged] => 2024-04-20T16:21:51Z [orderValue] => 13 [mimeSourceEncoded] => Eurotec_Unternehmenslogo_schwarzer_Text_300dpi.jpg ) ) [picture1] => [marketingClaim] => [scopeOfSupply] => [descriptionLongNoHtml] => The EVO Light aluminium system profile can be combined with Eurotec’s Profi-Line adjustable feet.Properties:Hidden fastening with the EVO Light system bracketVisible fastening for board thickness 19 – 23 mm with profile drilling screw 5.5 x 46 mm in hardened stainless steel (905559) and stainless steel A4 (905563)Can also be used with PRO adjustable pedestals and L adapterPosition retention due to screw of L adapterLoad-bearing, torsion-free, form-stable and straightSpecial shape prevents screws from shearing off [orderDetail] => Array ( [contentUnit] => C62 [deliveryTime] => 5 [noCuPerOu] => 1 [orderUnit] => [packingUnits] => Array ( ) [priceQuantity] => [quantityInterval] => [quantityMax] => [quantityMin] => 1 [isDurabilityProduct] => [durabilityDays] => 0 [contentQuantity] => [contentPackage] => [basicQuantity] => [hasBasicPriceDuty] => [isBulkyGood] => 1 [isTruckageCompanyGood] => 1 [costOfLivingAdjustment] => [alloySurcharge] => ) [parentProductId] => 000000000000000000000000 [priceLists] => Array ( ) [productCount] => 0 [productLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOrigin] => TR [customsNumber] => 7604299090 [depth] => [length] => [specialTreatmentClass] => [specialTreatmentClassType] => [weight] => 2.2056 [warrantyClassId] => [width] => [hazardousMaterialClassId] => ) [productOrder] => 4 [products] => Array ( ) [sourceProductId] => [references] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 100004 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800394 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800395 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800396 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800461 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800462 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800464 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 7 ) [7] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 800469 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 8 ) [8] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 945319 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 9 ) [9] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 945380 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 10 ) [10] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 945397 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 11 ) [11] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 945398 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 12 ) [12] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 945399 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 13 ) [13] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 946029 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 14 ) [14] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 946034 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 15 ) [15] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 975618 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 16 ) [16] => Array ( [artIdTo] => 975631 [descriptionShort] => [type] => accessories [order] => 17 ) ) [remarks] => [supplierAltAid] => [supplierPid] => 975643 [udxs] => Array ( ) [variants] => Array ( ) [mainSupplierId] => [suppliers] => Array ( ) [states] => Array ( ) [reportRuns] => Array ( ) [linkedFields] => Array ( ) [catalogMappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [catalogId] => 6118eacef55a4834b44c3623 [categoryId] => 6118eacff55a4834b44c3661 [isVirtualCatalog] => [order] => 1 ) ) [legalCharacteristic] => Array ( [isBiocidalProduct] => [isSelfServiceForbidden] => [isFertigpackv] => [isOekodesignEvpgEnvkg] => [isCommoditiesControll] => [isDetergenzienv] => [isKosmetikv] => [isCeGs] => [isWeeeRohsEar] => [isReach] => [isVerpackungsv] => [isSecurityDatasheetNeeded] => [isDualUse] => [isBatterieV] => ) [wawi] => Array ( [wawiId] => [line1] => [line2] => [line3] => [line4] => [customFields] => Array ( ) ) [electronicSales] => Array ( [notReturnable] => [notDiscountable] => [notOrderable] => [notRequestable] => [locked] => [onlyOffline] => [isFulfillment] => [dateCreated] => [descriptionMarketing] => [summaryText] => [promoInfo] => [noteCustomer] => [seoUrlFilename] => [fsk] => [euDataSheet] => [eek] => [eeLabel] => [eekColor] => [stockQuantitySupplier] => [stockQuantityReseller] => [stockKeeping] => [stockLocation] => [stockUnit] => 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EVO Light aluminium system profile

The EVO Light aluminium system profile can be combined with Eurotec’s Profi-Line adjustable feet.


  • Hidden fastening with the EVO Light system bracket
  • Visible fastening for board thickness 19 – 23 mm with profile drilling screw 5.5 x 46 mm in hardened stainless steel (905559) and stainless steel A4 (905563)
  • Can also be used with PRO adjustable pedestals and L adapter
  • Position retention due to screw of L adapter
  • Load-bearing, torsion-free, form-stable and straight
  • Special shape prevents screws from shearing off

Product table

Art. no. Dimensions Material PU EAN
975643 4000 x 32 x 34 mm Aluminium 1 4251314726131